Sketching + ideas

so before sketching , i looked at some other illustrators  and how they started to layout and sketch and i found this

which shows one of of sketch books and so i started sketching possible pages

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More Precedence + Selecting one monster

for my product i wanted to make a childerns book but before I starting to put my characters into a book, I thought that if I put all 5 monsters in one book, it would be too much. each one has its own quirks and stories so i felt it would be better for now if i chose one and work on it. so i chose the social anxiety monster, and I called him Worywor Mcthinalotous, nicknamed Wori.

and I wanted to look at more examples for more interactive books and childerns books.

so i found 2 examples for the interactive book:

1- Wreck this Journal

which is basically a little journal that as instructions in it. such as

rip this page, doodle on this one, spill coffee on this page etc.

2- Zoo in My Hand by Sunkyung Kim

which is a book where people can cut off the traced images in animals and fold them to make them 3D

for the children’s book, i went to the library and picked 2 books.

1- is called the Wolf of Virginia


2- Sam and dave dig a hole


and i looked at the layout for images and type. and i noticed that in children’s book there isnt much type and the illustrations are large

Starting to design – Character Design

As I mentioned in my previous presentation, one of my aims is to make anxiety tangible.

to do that I got the book Freeing Your Child From Anxiety by Tamar E. Chansky

Inside, there are specific chapters about the types of anxiety that the child faces.

They were GAD ( general anxiety disorder ), social anxiety, phobia, separation anxiety and panic attacks.

The first thing I wanted to do is visualize those disorders and turn them into characters.

so I started by reading the symptoms or “red flags” that the book mentioned, and then I started to sketch.

After the sketches were done, I brought them into Illustrator where I started to digitize them. ( for now they don’t have names)

First character is the social anxiety monster.

The symptoms of social anxiety  include :

  • avoiding eye contact
  • tense around people/ avoiding them
  • embarrassment
  • hiding at school/events with people
  • withdrawing at unstructured times

so for the characteristic for this monster is that he always wears sunglasses because he always wants to avoid eye contact.

also he walks around with a box because if he faces any situation, he can instantly hide.

This is the phobia monster.

symptoms of Phobia

  • magnified fear–> losing perspective despite the knowledge
  • increasingly distressed
  • asking too many questions

Based on those symptoms, I made this monster small and look somewhat like a bug.

He is too small so he views everything as big and scary. Also his big glasses doesn’t help because they have the wrong lenses in, so they magnify everything else even more. I made him look sort of like a bug because when he faces something he is scared of, he would instantly want to fly away.


DuPont, R., M. DuPont, C., & DuPont Spencer, E. (n.d.). The Anxiety Cure for Kids : A Guide for Parents (One ed.).

Rachman, Stanley. Anxiety. Print.


digital interaction

  • pulling out stylus–> a message shows up ( indicator) –>action is using the touch screen with it

Non digital/space

  • the handle thing on the rope—> pushing it out makes space (indicator is when the bag opens up)—-> action pulling out things from the bag

unintentional design

  • plug—> designed to hold specific type of wires (action) —-> indicator is when the charger/plug/wire works


Anxiety is a mental disorder that many people suffer from wether its mild or severe. There is a number of people who can not tell the difference from normal stress and anxiety from the actual mental disorder. This project aims to clarify that confusion and not only spread awareness, but to also make the people who have never experienced it, understand it.

Keywords : Anxiety , fear , unpleasant, vague , shapeless, draining, persistent, tension

list of outcomes :

1- spread awareness

2- try and make something that is “formless” more tangible to people

3- to try and have people who had never had it to experience “anxiety” in a way

4- make it easier for people who dont have it understand it better


illustrations that personify mental disorders